22 January 2024



AFTER FOUR WEEKS AND FIVE DAYS I am once more in attendance at the RD&E, this time on a Saturday morning. Early. I am again the last to go to theatre…  Do I complain? Of course not, it is not my style: someone has to be last. I just sit tight as before… until my turn arrives. 1205 in, 1235 out. Mary is summoned from her time killing activities on the Exe Estuary, geese, waders, avocets, Powderham etcetera – and arrives exactly at 1310 (after my tea and biscuits) to transport the patient back to the distant homestead. It is done. The second eye sorted, the end of disparity, the move to clarity. 

Within twenty-four hours I have much of the improvement in evidence: I'm on the way to quality long distance sight, never before experienced at this level of acuity, and never at all without specs – or those never-comfortable gas permeable fenestrated contact lenses. 

The second eye fix has given me a slightly wider ranging competence than the first: I am able to read moderate text sizes at arm's length. If I can't locate the reading specs, already. Nevertheless, 'reading' specs will need to be prescribed, the ones I am using now are borrowed or date back to that last contact lens period. Probably not quite the business.

Within forty-eight hours the slight double vision has gone. Clarity has quickly replaced the disparity, it was rather getting to me, having two eyes incapable of working as one, but trying, confusing each other, one all seeing, the other reduced, sans specs, to delivering nothing but muzz. One eyed Jack.   

So the Zeiss era is over, those very pricey specs, redundant. Am I bothered? Bring it on!

Isn't the scenery sharp… and bright… I can go fetch the milk and eggs again… in colour…