8 January 2023

marmalade spectacular 2022 23 & 24

IT WAS JUST AN IDEA: what about a lighthouse series, if the Sevilles turn up – and I can still make the annual supply for 2022 next month? Stéphane Bossis lights would work well, I thought. And I think they do. So I set out to match phares with label, and do you know, before I could find an excuse for leaving the topic behind, I'd resolved to produce a set of designs that will allow each jar produced to sport a unique label. How about that? The Sevilles did turn up.

If you are wondering, just what has happened to my desire to walk coastal constituencies and  follow field paths…? Well yes, you are right, I should be up and at it out there. It has been so mild I pondered wearing shorts around the homestead this yuletide…… but as for going far abroad… well it is so very damp and dark, grey etc…… and I'm not exactly in show room condition at the moment; so it can hardly be a surprise that I've stuck to my idea for a lighthouse edition rather tenaciously. Unlike 2021's 'five-makes' set where I might have been a bit short of inspiration, this year I just could not wait to see how well the lighthouse edition might be developed, even to the point of making each pot of jam a special: every jar getting its own dedicated phare! 

Lots of favourite phares don't feature of course. But I hope the ones that do will give pleasure.

I am indebted to Stéphane for his excellent elevations. Here are the four makings; the potential fifth make was not made in fact,  but the labels were designed just in case, so are included for your edification… these are the original final designs before one or two changes to the colour borders were made in some of the designs, to bring them into sets, according to their making. 

And should you have never taken the time to peruse the previous topics of the Bullsmead Marmalade tradition (even though I cannot fathom why not) I invite you now to remedy your omission by supplying you with a link, to smooth your journey to the post concerned with the enterprise, namely: marmalade maker. Click on it. You know you want to…

On 1st April 2023 marmalade history was made
when the first recipient of a 2022 lighthouse series pot
 (Nicola, who was 'gifted'' Herpin)
was introduced to the recipients of the last 2022 lighthouse series pot
(Gerard and Jen who were 'gifted' Créac'h).
 This meeting of beneficiaries took place at the latters's home in Sablet,
but sadly no member of the press was present to record the occasion…

 I certainly enjoyed producing the 2022 marmalade set.
But I couldn't find another topic to quite match the French Phares
to follow on with but might have got somewhere close with 
the Flying Scotsman Centenary set for 2023.
Five manifestations of a locomotive that has been part of the
British Railway scene for a hundred years. 
I had always planned to do something on steam locomotion.
So here are the 2023 designs:
(if you are interested.)

This style of 'five up but all different' labelling arguably
reached its apotheosis in 2024
when I alighted on the bicentenary of the RNLI as a suitable subject
for commemoration and who currently
operate five distinct classes of all-weather lifeboats.
It was a gift!